Why is acknowledgement so important to our success, and how do we at 30 Minute Hit give our members the encouragement they need to keep striving for those goals?
Everyone loves a pat on the back. Research shows that the simple act of acknowledging a person’s efforts increases their feelings of capability and worthiness. When we experience these feelings, we are more likely to continue the behaviors and habits that are serving us in this positive capacity.
Acknowledgement can come in any number of different ways. Here at 30 Minute Hit, we ensure that even the effort it took you to grab those gloves and walk in the door is acknowledged! Sometimes just showing up can be the hardest part, and we appreciate all you do to ensure you are keeping your own needs high up on that priority list. You will always be greeted by your name, with a smile, and with a genuine happiness to see you and spend time with you.
No trip around the 30 Minute Hit circuit would be complete without the highly anticipated fist bump from your trainer. It not only puts a punchy finish to the end of your workout, but also helps to solidify those feelings of accomplishment and success that you have conquered yet another tough workout. But it’s not only this recognition from our trainer we love. The acknowledgement that our members give to each other is a super special component of our strong community as we all consistently recognize each other’s efforts, especially during those final moments of a round with BOB. We all know the grit it takes to finish strong – cheers of encouragement from our peers, is the biggest boost we could ask for!
We also love to acknowledge those bigger milestones, efforts, and accomplishments too. Celebrating when a member reaches a big milestone in terms of how many Hits she has completed is a wonderful way we acknowledge our members. These wins are often accompanied by a feature on social media, and maybe even some sweet 30 Minute Hit swag!
Not all victories look the same, which is why we also include a featured Member of the Month each month. There is no set criteria for achieving this title. Sometimes we choose a person who hits a major milestone, sometimes we choose to reward consistency. Oftentimes we choose a member because of the kindness and positive energy that she contributes to our community. Whatever the reason, we need our members to know that we see them. We see your struggles, we see your victories, we appreciate every bead of sweat that is shed. We love that you tell your friends about us, that you share a positive review about us, and that you show up for yourself here. Even moreso, we love to see your confidence grow, your bodies become stronger, and your smiling face as you conquer yet another round with BOB.
Acknowledgement is important, and we do our best every day to encourage and congratulate all of your efforts to better your health. It is, however, equally as important that you recognize and celebrate these efforts for yourself too! Giving yourself a pat on the back is a very good idea. Treat yourself to a new pair of wraps, or that cute new Hit tank you’ve been eyeing. Reward yourself…you’ve earned it!
If you acknowledge your time, efforts and worth, you will allow yourself to feel proud, thus ensuring more of which to be proud. So let’s continue to lift each other up, celebrate each other, and to see ourselves as the incredible warriors that we are.
We See You