From her past work in law enforcement, to the incredible empowering energy with which she runs her business, Melanie of Bend, Oregon has an incredible Hit journey to share, and we can’t wait for you to hear all about it! Read on to learn why for Melanie, 30 Minute Hit was absolutely meant to be.
– What kind of work were you doing prior to opening your 30 Minute Hit?
I spent 24 years as a computer crime investigator and people manager. I was trained as a criminal investigator in the U.S. Air Force where I investigated drugs, assaults, and death cases. I then supervised a team of investigators at NASA responsible for investigating complex electronic crimes such as computer intrusions. I then left the government to work for an anti-slavery non-profit where I trained police officers overseas how to conduct online human trafficking investigations. I ended my career in the tech industry, managing teams responsible for keeping the worst criminals from using social media platforms to further their criminal activities.
– Firstly, thank you for those important contributions throughout your career. Why did you decide on franchising next?
I had always thought of owning my own business. My brother and I have developed a lot of fun ideas around businesses, such as a brewery or a coffee shop; but it was always more of a dream instead of a reality. It’s hard to take the time to “build a business” when you have a full time career, especially one in law enforcement.
When I made the decision to leave my career and do something different, I knew it was “that time” to start a business. I just wasn’t sure what to do –way too many ideas in my head–or how to do it. I was introduced to a franchise broker and I fell in love with the idea of having a “business in a box” – a formula or blueprint that I could take and execute on. If my military and law enforcement career taught me anything, it was that I was good at execution. I realized that building and owning a franchise would give me the structure I needed to help me with the “how I do it” as well as the independence I wanted of owning and operating my own business.
– Did you look at multiple brands? What made you decide on the 30 Minute Hit?
I had found another brand that I had started to pursue; but it never felt exactly right. I think I was trying to force myself to like it more than I really did because I needed to make a decision. I started to have some anxiety about whether it was the right one and ended up praying a lot about it. A few days later, 30 Minute Hit came across my desk and my heart instantly skipped a beat. For the first time, I was super excited.
30 Minute Hit was everything I loved – it was all about fitness, women and women’s empowerment, strength and confidence, and useful skills. Coming from the military and law enforcement, which are very male dominated, as well as anti- trafficking work, I have always been passionate about encouraging women to let go of fear and embrace the strength to live their best lives. This was the perfect fit!
I remember chatting with my grandma shortly after learning about 30 Minute Hit and telling her how much I loved the concept and how I felt it could change my life as well as other women’s lives. She started crying and said “You have to do it!!” I never looked back! I immediately told the other brand I had found my passion elsewhere and turned all my attention and effort to 30 Minute Hit.
– How’s it going so far?!
It’s going better than I ever dreamed it would. It has its chaotic moments – which I chock up to learning, growing, and finding that right groove. It’s a lot to open a first business, but it’s also incredibly thrilling and we’ve had an incredible response from women all throughout Central Oregon, who have showed up to support us and to join our incredible CommunHITy! We have a lot of amazing ladies already and we continue to grow every day. It’s inspiring, motivating, and humbling.
– What has been your favorite part so far?
I’ve met all sorts of women who have started their journeys with us and are already crushing their goals, building confidence, and learning that they have an inner strength to be reckoned with. I had one lady with severe trauma break down and tell me how her first HIT left her feeling more empowered than ever before. The husband of another woman – a former boxer – came in to sign his wife up. He said she came home after her free trial more excited about the HIT than he’d ever seen her in the last 5 years. These stories are so amazing – and these are just two of them. Seeing these women come in, sometimes uncertain, but then leave all sweaty, with their head held high and giant smiles on their faces, is absolutely incredible. It’s worth every bit of hard work put into it.
– How has your training and support been throughout the process?
The training and support are top notch! One of the many reasons I was instantly attracted to 30 Minute Hit was the support network and tools provided to franchisees. From day one, I’ve always felt included, informed, equipped, and supported. Without knowing some of the business how-to’s, I really needed direction and assistance, especially around location, leases, construction, etc. The structure corporate put into place have made the multiple steps in the process relatively easy and smooth to follow. I can also be a perfectionist and will often have lots of questions. The support network we have has always been patient, responsive, and very helpful!
– What are your plans in terms of growth for the future?
My hope is to grow 30 Minute Hit Bend to be Central Oregon’s premiere, women’s only fitness studio! We hope to be the place for women to get strong, be fit, build amazing friendships, and embrace their best selves.
I absolutely hope to build/own another location! Whether that location is here in Central Oregon – making access to the HIT easier for some of the outlying towns – or in another place with an eager community of women, I can’t wait to spread the 30 Minute Hit love to more and more places around the U.S. Woo hoo!!!
– What advice would you give to others considering becoming a 30 Minute Hit franchisee?
This is an amazing opportunity to affect lives for the better! It’s more than just fitness, it’s about giving women useful skills and the confidence to go out and take on the world. Trust the process and use the tools available to you. And don’t forget about the support community – reach out to other owners. They are so helpful and so informative! Each owner’s story is different and provides a considerable variety of extraordinary experience and advice. Learning from these other owners was a highlight of my journey.
An amazing journey by an amazing woman – and she’s just getting started!! We are SO excited to see the positive impact that Melanie will continue to have on her community for years to come! Congrats on a killer start, girl! Keep (H)it up!
Hitting new heights, with Mighty Melanie!