Paying (H)it Forward!

At 30 Minute Hit we are dedicated to improving not only the wellness of our members, but the wellness of our greater community also. Although we carry the spirit of generosity all year round, we have chosen to dedicate the entire month of October, every year, to furthering our charitable reach in the community through dedicated fundraising efforts.

Back in 2015, 30 Minute Hit president, Deanna Loychuck, lost a dear friend to breast cancer. On the heels of this heartbreak came a dedicated effort to raise awareness and money for breast cancer research.
“With access to thousands of women, we saw a real opportunity to make a difference” says Deanna. “We truly care about the health of the women in our communities”.

The annual “Kick the *&%! Out of Cancer” campaign had members all across Canada sporting custom pink t-shirts and hand wraps, and collecting donations from friends and family as they Hit towards their goals. In addition to donations, members could participate in special events like the highly popular Guy’s Night, family friendly Kids Camp, Pub Nights, Trainer Payback, and more! Between 2010 and 2019 efforts by 30 Minute Hit owners everywhere collectively raised a total of over one million dollars! What Deanna refers to as “our tiny drop in the bucket”, has undoubtedly contributed to research which has improved the quality of life and rate of successful treatment for those with breast cancer.

In 2020, a pause was put on our fundraising events. Since then, the continued growth of 30 Minute Hit into other countries, and a shift of mindset in terms of citizens wanting more and more to contribute to smaller, more local organizations, we have ramped up fundraising efforts once again, and now see franchisees choosing their own local causes to support.

“I like that owners get to choose what’s near and dear to their heart,” says Deanna. “I think that’s really special”. Deanna believes that supporting local organizations in need not only creates a greater awareness for those needs but also creates a greater connection to the community.
(and we are all about community!)

We’re one week into our current fundraising month, and owners, trainers, and members alike are opening their hearts and their wallets for local organizations all across the continent! At 30 Minute Hit we understand that our overall well being is not only tied to the health of our bodies and minds, but that we also need to look outward, towards those in our own backyard who are in need, and contribute however we can to their wellness too.

You can literally feel the love in the air of your 30 Minute Hit when the energy shifts from inwards to outwards. You can see the happiness it brings to those who are participating in the fundraising efforts. Whether it’s $5 or $500, every “drop in the bucket” helps to improve the life of someone else. This kind of charitable attitude will improve your workout, your day, your perspective, and ultimately your health and wellness.

There is a quote by Kathy Calvin, president and CEO of the United Nations Foundation, that says, “Giving is not just about making a donation. It’s about making a difference”. So as you Hit your way into fall this October, remember that your wellness is linked to those all around you, and that you have the potential to make a real difference in your community. Isn’t that exciting?!

So open your heart, give what you can, and enjoy the unique opportunity your Hit is giving you to make a difference. We are so fortunate to be healthy, and to live in the abundance we do. It’s time pay Hit forward!

– Kristi