Celebrating 20 Years of 30 Minute Hit!

Today, we are thrilled to celebrate a major milestone—20 years of 30 Minute Hit!! To mark this special occasion, I sat down with the founders, Deanna and Jackson Loychuck, to reflect on their journey, the growth of the brand, and what the future holds. Read on to find out why they started and what has kept them kickin’ for 20 years!

Let’s start with the beginning—what inspired you to start 30 Minute Hit?

As entrepreneurs, we recognized a need within an industry we were familiar with. 20 years ago, the female market in the Boxing/Kickboxing industry was completely underserved and we knew that if the specific needs of women were addressed when developing a comprehensive program that focused on results in health and wellness (along with some fun skills) many more women would be interested. We have had so many women over the years tell us they have always wanted to learn kickboxing as a way to get fit and stay healthy but were never comfortable in the traditional male dominated environments.

Tell us about making the decision to franchise?

It really happened by accident, when one of our first members asked about the possibility of recreating what we had started in another community so we could service more women, and the lightbulb turned on! From there we continued to grow organically and award more franchises through our continued success.

Looking back, what were some of the biggest challenges you faced in the early days of the brand/franchise?

I think like any good franchise system, the challenge is to maintain brand quality as you grow. We continue to focus on supporting our franchise owners in providing the best possible member experience each and every time they train and are proud of the hard work our entire team puts in every day to make this possible.

How did you overcome those challenges, and what key moments stand out in your journey?

It’s really about continuing to re-invest in systems and tools to help franchise owners effectively serve their members and run their businesses. Like any company in growth mode, there have been challenges along the way, but our core values of Hustle, Inspire and Trust always lead us in the direction and we will continue to lean on them when tough decisions need to be made.

The fitness industry has changed a lot over the past 20 years. How has 30 Minute Hit adapted to these changes?

When the HIT started, boutique fitness was in its infancy, “High Intensity Training” did not exist and Kickboxing was pretty much a boys only club. We like to think we were part of opening the door to this style of training for women which has become an accepted segment of the modern fitness industry. While we have definitely evolved to stay current with technology, brand image, and in everything required to meet consumer demands, what was first developed 20 years ago has stood the test of time. We continue to stay true to what has had such a profound impact on so many women for so long.

What are you most proud of when you look back over the past two decades?

Simply the results in the health and wellness of our members. We truly change lives!!! Our members not only improve their health, they tell us they are happier people because of the HIT. Better moms, better spouses, more productive, more involved, just leading better lives. What could be more powerful than that! We are grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in women’s lives.

As you celebrate this incredible milestone, what are your plans for the future of 30 Minute Hit?

The best part about where we are today is the potential to keep growing. We are beyond excited to open more locations in new markets around the world and we are looking forward to seeing what’s in store over the next 20 years… the possibilities are endless!

Any final words for your members and supporters?

A huge thank you to our Leadership Team, our Franchise Owners, our Trainers and all of our Members who Make HIT Happen every day! This milestone really belongs to you and it has been our honour to be a part of such an incredible group for the past 20 years!

Thank you both for sharing your story. As an owner myself for 10 years now, I can truly say that 30 Minute Hit does indeed change lives, and I know I speak on behalf of thousands and thousands of women when I say, Thank You! Thank you for your vision, your determination and for all your hard work in creating, growing and succeeding in making 30 Minute Hit a part of so many communities.

Here’s to another 20 years of success!

– Kristi