Consistency is Key – your health doesn’t get a vacation!

One of the fundamental principles of fitness is consistency. Your body thrives on routine, and regular exercise is essential for maintaining progress and achieving long-term goals. Interrupting your exercise routine, even for a short period, can lead to a decline in your fitness levels, making it harder to get back on track later. With all the fun activities and potential disruptions to our usual schedules over the summer months, it’s easy to let our exercise routines slip. However, maintaining your exercise regimen is crucial for several reasons.

Summer is a time for relaxation, vacations, and enjoying the warm weather. Often, summer brings about a more relaxed lifestyle, which can lead to a decrease in physical activity. Without the structure of a regular exercise routine, it’s easy to fall into a sedentary lifestyle. This can result in weight gain, reduced cardiovascular fitness, and a general feeling of lethargy. By sticking to your Hit schedule, you can avoid the summer slump and stay energized and active.

We are all aware that exercise is not just about our physical health; it also plays a significant role in our mental well-being. Even though the much anticipated, cheerful, sunny days are here to stay (at least for a little while), we still need those endorphins! During the summer, when routines can be disrupted, maintaining your exercise routine can help keep your mental health in check and provide a sense of stability.

Who wants to start from scratch again?! By continuing with the Hit throughout the summer, you set yourself up for success in the fall and winter months. Staying fit and active now will make it easier to transition back to our regular routine when the time comes. Consistency plays an absolutely vital role in maintaining your fitness levels.

Here are some great tips for staying active during the summer:

Set a Schedule: Plan your HITS ahead of time and stick to a schedule, just like you would during any other season.
Stay Hydrated: The summer heat can lead to dehydration, so make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workouts.
Exercise Early or Late: When possible, avoid the midday heat by exercising in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler.
Wear Appropriate Gear: Choose lightweight, breathable clothing. Ever tried the circuit barefoot? Now’s the time – those free feet can really help in keeping your body temperature lower.
Find a Hit Buddy: Having a Hit Buddy can keep you motivated and make your workouts more enjoyable. And then you also have someone to Hit the beach with post-circuit too!

So while summer brings time off from many things, your health is not one of them! Take good care of yourself, every day. You’’ be so grateful for you maintained well being when those clouds roll back around!
